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There is a lot to say about Christian, but he is simply the heart of APC and passes on the knowledge he has gained from his many years of coaching in archery, e.g. as a national youth coach, to the coaches and archers.
Michael has completed his training as a state-certified trainer, trains the youth in the Lower Austrian state squad and has gained international tournament experience at the ISF Gymnasiade 2024 in Bahrain and the Youth European Championships with the Austrian archery juniors.
Gustavo is a state-certified archery instructor and a talent for languages. Explanations in German, English, Spanish, Italian or Portuguese are no problem and have already been very helpful. In addition to OR, he is deepening his knowledge in the CO area and is also available to offer advice and support here.
Jörg is a certified sports mental and bio/neurofeedback trainer. He always keeps an eye on the stress level and mental state of the archers and prepares them and the coaches for the challenges of major tournaments with workshops and individual lessons and also accompanies them to tournaments.
Ursula has many years of experience in training archers of all ages, is a state-certified instructor and trains trainers herself. She is a good soul, always available to offer advice and help, even with a hammer if necessary.
Felix is a calming influence in the turbulent training environment, combines his archery experience with his expertise as a physiotherapist and is therefore an important contact when it comes to injury prevention, the analysis of movement sequences and individual training programs.
Sigi, as we call her, actively supports the coaches at our training weekends and is always gaining new experiences. When it comes to archery rules, her knowledge as a referee is often put to good use.
Daniel is our local supporter in Styria when it comes to training in the Ennstal. From Liezen up to Planneralm, where he runs the courses, he ensures that archers and coaches find the best possible conditions for their development. He has already made a good name for himself across national borders by hosting IFAA tournaments.
Christoph does all the organizational stuff and has only one goal: to keep everything away from the coaches and archers so that they can focus on the most important thing: The training. And if there is something in the material that needs to be optimized, adjusted or repaired, he is always there with his mobile bow workshop.